Of generalist in marketing and communication

generalist in marketing

Marketing Assistant training is the essential gateway to starting a career in the fields of marketing and communication.

Based on the official directives of the professional association Markom, it makes it possible to obtain a certificate recognized in Switzerland for anyone wishing to acquire, with or without professional experience, basic knowledge in the fields of marketing, sales, direct marketing, communication, advertising and public relations.

This training is also a skills complement for people wishing to progress in their current position or create their own business.

Obtaining the MarKom Certificate then allows students who wish to continue towards a Federal Marketing Specialist Certificate without an upgrade module and to benefit from financial support from the Confederation up to 50% of the course price.

Of marketing specialist

The Marketing Specialist training with Federal Certificate prepares you to pass one of the most recognized professional exams in the field in Switzerland. After obtaining the federal patent, the Marketing Specialist aims to become one of the driving forces behind the promotion and communication of the company that hires him. It is at the heart of interactions with customers, sales teams and the various intermediary players (advertising agencies, communication agencies, web agencies, etc.).

Marketing specialists work in all sectors of the economy, they analyze the market, design and plan marketing activities and implement them themselves or with the help of partners. Their field of activity extends to all types of economic goods and all marketing instruments. They support the marketing department in their tasks or independently take responsibility for an aspect of marketing, for example in the area of ​​digital marketing or product management. They represent a central link between customers and all interest groups involved in the value chain.

In Senegal, as soon as the first case was declared in March 2020, the Government took significant measures to stem the effects of the pandemic and above all to reduce its proliferation (closure of places of worship, schools and universities, weekly markets, reduction of inter-departmental travel, state of health emergency with curfew from 8 p.m., etc.).

Thus, to accompany these drastic measures, the Government has also taken economic and social measures. Thus, food aid, intended for one (01) million poor households, ie eight (08) million inhabitants, and support for businesses have been initiated

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