New technologies and mobile technologies

mobile technologies

Dnumeous books, studies and forums today claim that the development of the use of new technologies, and more specifically mobile technologies, is in the process of quite profoundly transforming the organizational model of the company, traditionally based on that the hierarchical and/or transversal organization. These technologies notably transcend the unities of place, time, space and responsibility. They also influence our human resources organizations.

The hospital, like any complex organizational enterprise, is today strongly impacted by the unprecedented development of these new technologies and mobile technologies. These tools are generally made available to users in a current of technological development and diffusion, in the absence of a structured approach in terms of organizational efficiency and most often far from the concerns of HR. However, many studies present them as having a strong impact on our organizations and lifestyles. The need for real time, the search for increased productivity, the demands of new generations, the explosion of social networks, are examples of this.

The questions addressed in this work are twofold. On the one hand, it seems fundamental to fully understand the impact of these new technologies within hospital organizations and to identify the key orientations to be implemented. On the other hand, taking into account the crucial place that HR will have to have in this area, but also the inevitable evolution of their HRIS integrating these new technologies, it is now essential to identify elements that should make the object of modification and/or development of our HR/e-HRD domains and systems.

To answer these questions, an “exploratory” approach was carried out with, initially, an in-depth search of the existing literature, around three axes: hospital organization and network models, new technologies and mobile technologies. as well as the evolution of the HR field and HRIS. Secondly, a survey of employees of two university hospitals, Swiss and French, was carried out to better understand the use within these hospitals of “mobile” tools, such as the laptop, the diary, messaging and the internet/intranet (how were these tools implemented? What use do managers make of them? What development prospects can and should we consider?).

Finally, this work provides a certain number of analyzes and recommendations both in terms of the integration of new technologies in the hospital and in terms of development of the HR field taking into account these changes.

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